Feeling overwhelmed? Just Post-It

For an impossible task, just Post-it.

Here is a simple hack to overcome the overwhelming stress that can engulf you when the number of tasks you need to accomplish seems out of reach.

Just Post-it.

Say you are hosting Thanksgiving. The tasks to get to game day feel insurmountable - dishes cleaned, floors mopped, candles lit, music playlists created, dogs washed, food shopped, even as simple as wine chilled. Just Post-it!

Write each task on a Post-it note and put them somewhere everyone can see, like the refrigerator or on a counter. If you’re really good, organize your Post-its into categories, like the week ahead to-dos or day-of needs, chores you can ask for help with, or things that take place outside the home, like bringing the dogs to the groomer.

If you have family or friends staying with you, ask for help. People love to help ease the burden and feel useful, especially if they’re house guests.

Each time you accomplish a task, take that Post-it and throw it in the trash. The fulfillment you’ll get is even better than checking off your to-do list, if you can imagine. Watch that clutter of Post-its disappear!

This method can be used for projects at work, kids’ chores, and Honey-Do lists. It was introduced to me one year while I was planning Thanksgiving, and I’ll be forever grateful for its pragmatism and stress relief.

Just Post-It!

Writers often use index cards to map out their storylines. Think outside the box to organize your thoughts. Post-its, index cards, scraps of paper, or drawn sketches of whatever you need to accomplish. The more personalized you make it, the more likely it will work for you.



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