A Lifelong List Maker

Lists are my brainstorms, captures of a stream of conscious, or organized thoughts to tackle what lies ahead. They calm my stress, quiet my brain, and contain my neverending hunt for information. I’ve written lists on yoga poses, sewing supplies, and even banned books to add to my library. Reading through my lists, many of which I still have in journals, is a disturbingly authentic portrayal of who I am. Here are examples from throughout my adulthood:

  • A bucket list from 1998;

  • A few pocket notebooks of notes and quotes on writing from famous authors;

  • A list of essential clothing items to form a complete “work wardrobe”;

  • A list of superfoods and what they’re good for;

  • A list from July 2012 of all the words my daughter could say before the age of two;

  • Another list from 2013 of books for her to read;

  • Garden lists of all the plants I’ve planted, and others of plants I wish to plant;

  • A Halloween Birthday Party list, Thanksgiving Day list, and Christmas Eve list;

  • A list of the best indoor plants;

  • And even a list I’d written a few years ago of what I’d include in my future book about lists titled “The List Maker - A Memoir.”
    (I dream big.)

Throughout my life, lists have helped me perfect hosting big dinners. They’ve saved me from losing my mind after realizing I need to pack for a weekend away, and we’re leaving in thirty minutes. Or as simple as helping me keep my house in order while juggling parenting and working full-time. My tendency toward feeling overwhelmed has always been calmed with a list.

The Post-it method is one of my go-to’s for home and work. Food shopping is always a written list, as are birthday and holiday shopping. I sketch out lists for home redesigning - including every piece of furniture in each room and measuring for accuracy. I also have a list of regular reminders that ding my phone because I can’t seem to remember anything on my own anymore. I acknowledge my issue and, with that, created Ode.

I hope this collection helps make your life a little easier. It’s all free. No gimmicks. No ads. Nothing but sharing my brain’s nutty need to organize. My creative outlet.

Copy and paste, download, edit - make it your own. And please share!

Much love,

“To let the warm Love in!”

— Keats